© 2019 Andrea Torreano.
Piergiuseppe Zaia

At the age of four he began studying piano and singing with Maestro
L. Mortarino, participating and winning many National Singing Competitions.
At the age of ten he was admitted to the "A. Vivaldi" Conservatory of Alessandria where he continued his piano studies with illustrious pianists such as Maestro Audino and Vercillo.
He continued his studies of piano, singing, composition and conducting at the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory in Milan with illustrious masters such as Giampiero Malaspina and Wilma Vernocchi.
At the age of eighteen he joined the RAI Orchestra and Choir, collaborating with the greatest conductors of the moment.
In 1988 he made his debut as Tenore Lirico with Giacomo Puccini's Tosca under the guidance of Maestro Giampiero Malaspina and continued his concert activity for several years.
Later he studied and perfected his composition and conducting with prestigious teachers such as Maestro Vladimir Delman and Carl Melles. At the same time he began collaborating with the Teatro La Scala in Milan for the production of contemporary works such as "Ascesa e caduta della città di Mahagonny" by Kurt Weille-Bertold Brecht conducted by Maestro Virginio Puecher.
Puecher himself will direct him in the theatrical direction.
In 1989 he founded the current International Song Festival "Festival di Saint-Vincent" discovering numerous talents and producing them on a record level with the "Master Track Productions" where he began his activity as Producer and Director of hundreds of music video clips for famous and emerging singers.
At the same time he directed for eighteen years the gospel choir "The Blue Sound Chorus".
His passion for directing video clips led him to found the current "Artuniverse S.r.l." with which he began production as director and composer of the soundtrack for the feature film "Creators -The Past" with the participation of famous actors such as William Shatner (Captain Kirk of Star Trek), Gerard Depardieu, Bruce Payne, etc..
Zaia is also the author with Eleonora Fani of the screenplay for the opera, recently completed and soon to be released in cinemas,
Creators - The Past.